
Videos, television and documentaries
Radio and podcasts
Magazines, newspapers and blogs

Videos, television and documentaries


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Grant Cameron - 


2024 March

Buddha at the Gas Pump - Consciousness, Mind - Brain Relationships, Postmaterialist Science

2022 October

Spiritist Medical Association

The Primordial Psyche: A Post-Materialist Perspective

2018 November

Vidéo, télévision et documentaires


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Dr. Mario Beauregard
Frontier Science Wake Up Call

Février 2022

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Dr Mario Beauregard
Du Clic au Déclic Magazine Vivre

Janvier 2015

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Dr Mario Beauregard
Les Pouvoirs de la Conscience...

Mai 2014

Radio and podcasts


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Seeking I - The Mind-Brain Relationship in Neuroscience

2022 April

Skeptiko - Frontier Science Wake Up Call

Mario Beauregard

2022 February

Seeking 1 - The Status of NDE Science

from a Neuroscientific Position

2022 January

Magazines, newspapers and blogs